BORN THIS WAY - Letra Completa

sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011

Depois de muita antecipação, e de alguns versos fornecidos por Perez Hilton, GagaDaily, PopJustice, Rolling Stone e Billboard, Lady Gaga disponibilizou a letra na integra no seu site do seu próximo single "Born This Way". Mas primeiro twittou duas vezes:
Are you ready for the full lyrics?! Can we trend #bornthiswaylyrics!? It has been in my heart for over a year. I'm so excited to share it.
Estão prontos para a letra inteira?! Podemos levar aos trending topics#bornthiswaylyrics!? Está no meu coração há mais de um ano. Estou tão entusiasmada em partilha-la.

It's #1 worldwide! That was fast! You're so radical! Here you Monsters, this one's for you.
É #1 mundialmente! Foi rápido! Vocês são tão radicais! Aqui fica Monstros, esta é para vocês.
Born This Way

L E T R A   C O M P L E T A
Escrito por: Lady Gaga
Produzido por: Lady Gaga, Fernando Garibay, DJ White Sparrow
Misturado e composto por: David Russel
It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
’cause you were Born This Way, Baby
My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir
“There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are”
She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”
“So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far,
Listen to me when I say”
I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was Born This Way
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track baby
I was Born This Way
Ooo there ain’t no other way
Baby I was born this way
Baby I was born this way
Ooo there ain’t no other way
Baby I was born-
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be!
Give yourself prudence
And love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice your truth
In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth
A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)
I love my life I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)
Don’t be a drag, just be a queen
Whether you’re broke or evergreen
You’re black, white, beige, chola descent
You’re lebanese, you’re orient
Whether life’s disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied, or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
‘Cause baby you were born this way
No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life
I’m on the right track baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made
I’m on the right track baby
I was born to be brave
I was born this way hey!
I was born this way hey!
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way hey!
I was born this way hey!
I was born this way hey!
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way hey!

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